NE Family Law are specialist family lawyers who are able to offer advice and guidance in the following areas:
Divorce, Separation and Dissolution

We advise on all matters of separation, divorce and dissolution proceedings sensitively and efficiently in order to achieve your best possible outcome.

Financial Matters

We can guide you on all Financial matters that occur following a relationship breakdown and will work closely with you to achieve the best possible result.

Children Matters

The breakdown of a relationship, when there are children involved, brings new challenges for any separating couple. Our advice enables you to achieve child-focused and practical solutions.

Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements

We handle Pre and Post Nuptial agreements sensitively and always focus on our clients’ specific circumstances and objectives.

Unmarried Couples

We can offer you advice and answer any questions you may have about children, the family house or financial support in the event of a relationship breakdown.

Cohabitation Agreements & Property Disputes

We can offer you advice and answer any questions you may have about Cohabitation Agreements & Property Disputes.

Financial Provision for Children

We have the expertise and experience to assist you with financial claims on behalf of your children. 

Domestic Abuse

We advise on all matters domestic abuse sensitively and efficiently in order to achieve your best possible outcome.


We can mediate in relation to matters arising out of your separation/divorce, drafting various documents reflecting any agreements reached.

Private Client
  • Wills 
  • Lasting powers of Attorney 
  • Administration of Estates 
  • Intestacies 
  • Post Death Variations 
  • Declarations of Trust 


If you would like to speak to our team about your circumstances, please fill in your details and we will get back to you.