Our fees

In most cases, we will offer a fixed fee arrangement, so that you know from the outset how much your case will cost. We will always have a free initial discussion to see how we can help you and will detail what costs are involved in advance of taking your case on. There are no hidden costs.

The fixed fee provided will depend upon the nature and location of your case, and how we proceed on your behalf, with your agreement. Our usual fees are set out below.

✔️ Initial conference upon instruction, including discussion of your case, review of evidence, verbal and written advice on your position  £250-300.

For cases before the Magistrates Court;

✔️ Attendance at court with a guilty plea and sentencing  £500-600.

✔️ Attendance at court with a not guilty plea and dealing with all evidential and case management issues  £450-550.

✔️ Attendance at court for trials, including full case preparation £1200-1500 (half-day cases),  £1500-1800 (1 day cases). Trials lasting longer than a day are unusual, but in those cases, a fixed fee quote will still be provided.

✔️ Attendance at court for an exceptional hardship hearing including full case preparation £1000-1300.

✔️ Attendance at court for a special reasons hearing including full case preparation  £1200-1500.

✔️ Written submissions sent to the court, prosecuting authority or other third party on your behalf (where no court attendance)  £75-250, depending on content.

Crown court

For matters proceeding to the Crown Court, including licence appeals, a fixed fee estimate will be available during our initial discussion with you, depending on the nature and complexity of your case.

The fees above do not include expert fees, or fees payable to any third party required to further your case. All figures are exclusive of VAT.

Legal Aid

Legal Aid may be available in some cases, depending upon the nature of the case, and your financial eligibility. We can advise you on whether you may be entitled to Legal Aid. In cases where you may qualify based on the nature of the case and your eligibility, we can assist you by referring you to a recommended firm that can help.

Key contact
Paul Wright
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Get in touch


Call: 0330 133 3038

24 Hours: 07976 409190

Email: info@wrightlaw.co.uk


If you would like to speak to our team about your circumstances, please fill in your details and we will get back to you.